Laravel Write For Us
Laravel is a free, open-source PHP framework that runs tools and resources for building modern applications. In addition, it uses to create custom web Apps using PHP. Although PHP is known for having less-than-desirable syntax, it is easy to use and deploy and can be found on many modern websites you use daily.
PHP is the most used programming language in the world to develop websites, web applications, and popular CMS, such as WordPress or Joomla. Laravel creates a framework and provides tools for developers to help them build their web applications in PHP. LaIn addition, ravel is an open-source s
Being one of the few PHP frameworks, Laravel is very multipurpose and can use by IT, medical, travel, commercial companies, etc. According to the developer’s website, these are their most common applications:
- Social networking sites.
- Multi-page and single-page applications (MPA and SPA).
- Static and dynamic websites.
- Enterprise-level applications.
- E-commerce websites.
- Content management systems.
How does Laravel work?
To better understand what Laravel is, it is vital to explain how it works. To do this, let’s see what its main features are, as presented on the official Laravel website:
- Database: Laravel’s “Eloquent” ORM provides best-in-class database abstraction without the headaches. Consult and update your data effortlessly—eloquent pairs perfectly with MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, and SQL Server.
- Queues: Submit jobs in the background to perform slow tasks like sending emails and making reports while preserving blazing-fast response times. Laravel’s robust queuing system can process jobs using Redis, Amazon SQS, MySQL, and Postgres.
- WebSockets: Laravel Echo and event streaming make creating modern, real-time user experiences effortless. Build excellent real-time applications while powering your WebSockets with pure PHP, Node.js, or serverless solutions like Pusher and Ably.
- Authentication: stop worrying about this. Laravel provides the foundation for secure session-based authentication, while Laravel Sanctum provides simple authentication for mobile applications and APIs.
Laravel Benefits
Includes an ORM: Unlike CodeIgniter, Laravel consists of a built-in ORM. So you shouldn’t install anything at all.
Bundles: Several packages extend Laravel and give you fantastic functionality.
Program elegantly and efficiently: No more junk code or spaghetti that is not understood. You will learn to program ‘with class’ and organize your code to be as reusable as possible.
You control the DB from the code: You can have version control of what you do with it and it is called migrations. It is an excellent tool because you can manage everything from your IDE, including mounting data in your tables.
It supports PHP 5.3.
Elegant and safe routes: The same way can respond differently to a GET or POST method.
Therefore, it has its own HTML template engine.
It is easily updated from the command line: The framework is updateable using composer update, and that’s it—nothing to download a ZIP and replace.
It has an active community that gives quick support when you need it.
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